السبت، 23 يونيو 2012

موقع لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية أبى اتعلم التحدث بالانجليزية واستعمال SINCE & FOR بدون خطأ

Reading aloud is simpler. Why? Because you eventually are listening to correct grammar as you read it; watching television also helps. It works better if we watch what we are really interested in, although the BBC is always a great option. The English spoken in America is different from that spoken in England. Some parts of spelling and grammar vary between the two countries as well.
Ask native speakers for advice. If you know any native English speakers, ask if they could check some of your writing now and then. If there are no native English speakers near you, look online for language-learning forums or language-exchange sites. Just remember if the native speaker is not a teacher, he or she may not be able to explain grammar rules.

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