الأربعاء، 2 يناير 2013

تعليم اللغة السويدية أسماء الأشهر Learn the months in Swedish

درس تعليم اللغة السويدية للمبتدئين بسهولة, في هذا الفيديو سوف تعلم المفردات والكلمات السويدية, محادثات تعليم السويدية بسهولة أسماء الأشهر Learn the months in Swedish, دروس وكورسات مجانية للتحميل بالصوت والصورة.Grammatical speculation dates from Classical Antiquity, appearing for instance in Plato's Cratylus in Hermogenes's contention that words are not inherently linked to what they refer to; that people apply "a piece of their own voice...to the thing." Athenaeus of Naucratis, in Book III of Deipnosophistae, tells the story of two figures: Dionysius of Sicily and Alexarchus. Dionysius of Sicily created neologisms like menandros “virgin” (from menei “waiting” and andra “husband”), menekratēs “pillar” (from menei "it remains in one place” and kratei “it is strong"), and ballantion “javelin” (from balletai enantion “thrown against someone”). Incidentally, the more common Greek words for those three are parthenos, stulos, and akon. Alexarchus of Macedon, the brother of King Cassander of Macedon, was the founder of the city of Ouranopolis

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