الأربعاء، 9 يناير 2013

تعليم الانجليزية للمبتدئين الماضي البسيط والمضارع التام قواعد Past Simple or Present Perfect

أهم دروس الانجليزية للمبتدئين والمتقدمين, حفظ الكلمات والمفردات الانجليزية مع النطق وطريقة الاستعمال, كيفية تركيب الجمل في اللغة الانجليزية وتصريف الأفعال, محادثات باللغة الانجليزية البطيئة مع الصوت الماضي البسيط والمضارع التام قواعد Past Simple or Present Perfect.English tenses can be confusing. In this lesson, you will learn a simple way to know when to use the past simple and present perfect tenses. Record Yourself Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much. Listen to English By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you. Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.

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